I will provide you with the content of my work today, please help me generate a daily work report in the form of an ordered list. The following is my job content today: [job content]
I will provide you with my work content this week, please help me generate a weekly work report in the form of an ordered list. If the date is identified in the content I provide, please add time classification to the weekly work report. The following is my job content week: [job content]
It is [time] now, my working time is [start]~[end], today my work content is: [work content]. Please help me generate a time plan for today. In the plan, you need to reflect the priority and sequence of tasks.
I am a novice in excel, and now, I have encountered an excel spreadsheet problem in my work: [Describe your problem], please provide me with a solution based on a 30-year experience in excel.